No, Yobongo is not a way of life or a youthful catch phrase, yet. Yobongo is a new location-based chat application that is definitely turning some heads in the tech industry. What makes them different than all the other group chat and messaging applications already available for iOS devices? Reality.
“Be Authentic,” is the 3rd and final rule in Yobongo’s chat guidelines. “The world is full of places to be someone you’re not, this isn’t one of them. We value authenticity and honesty.”
The folks over at Yobongo, Inc. might really be on to something…
Imagine being at a sporting event and launching Yobongo from your iPhone to talk stats with a fellow fan before the game starts. Or a movie theatre, or a crowded bar. Think of all the places people gather by the masses, and how little they interact with the ones outside their “circles.” Launching an application that puts you in a chat room with real people that are really around you without the cheesy pick up lines and awkward introductions could mean more human interaction than you would think.
Only time will tell if Yobongo will catch on.
The application is available for download from Apple’s App Store for iPhone and iPod touch. And although it is a free download, there are some things you might want to know before hitting the link.
First, Yobongo is brand new, like just went live a few days ago. So it is only available in a few U.S. cities (New York, San Francisco, and Austin) for the time being. Second, to participate in chat, you are expected to provide your real name and a real photograph. Mix in the fact that the entire application is based on your location, it may not be for everybody.
Has anyone in the launch cities used this app or intend to? Or are there too many privacy issues? Tell us your thoughts below!
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